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What we do

MTA's mission is to provide practical skills to executives, mid-level leaders, new leaders, or those who have been promoted to management but never received any formal training in leading people and managing teams.

In addition to leadership coaching, we also coach, train & develop sales professionals in all industries.

Philosophy & core principles

It's critical that we are aligned with the vision and culture you want to create for your employees.

We look forward to the opportunity to help you identify, train & develop

better leaders & sales professionals in this world.


Our coaching programs are designed to help you achieve mastery in all areas of your life. We provide individualized coaching to help you improve your skills in the workplace and gain balance outside of work. Our goal is to help you become the best version of yourself, so you can reach your full potential.


Being optimistic is a mindset. The vast majority of people in this world do not wake up every day to fail, they want to win and be successful. It's up to leaders to create an environment for their people to leverage their strengths. The goal is to win, but an optimist sees every loss as a learning opportunity to improve, and continuous learning is a core tenet of MTA. 

Results Orientation

It's not up to a leader to motivate's each leader's job to inspire people who are already motivated. We at MTA provide the tools to leaders to identify the right people for their team, and then create a culture of winning. "Winners only know how to win", so the first step is identifying the winners, replicating them, and building your team(s) around them. 


We are a company of innovation, early adoption and creative thinking. We challenge leaders to see things through a different lens and "what could be possible." We teach people to embrace change. One of the first questions we ask is, "If you had a blank white board, no budget limitations, nothing off limits, what would you do?" It's incredible the ideas that come from this exercise.

Psychological Safety

Creating a culture of psychological safety is key to developing high-performing teams who routinely outperform their competition, year after year. Our coaching services delve deep into creating a sense of trust and openness in order to encourage creativity, innovation, and results in the workplace.

Continous Improvement

At our core, we "help people become even better versions of themselves" and help successful people, become even more successful. With that in mind, our continuous improvement process is a structured approach that allows organizations to: 

  • Identify areas of improvement

  • Define changes

  • Implement changes

  • Measure the effectiveness of changes

  • Analyze the effectiveness of changes

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